5 Life-Changing Lessons From Joy Seeker That Can Help Us Through 2020

Something happened when I was writing my last book, Joy Seeker. A true transformation took place. Before I wrote the book, I was always waiting for happiness. I thought my life would be better when I lost the weight, got out of debt, met my soul mate, etc. It was always something outside of me that needed to happen for me to be able to feel joy and allow myself to be happy. Nothing I ever did seemed to be enough or fix the sinking sensation within that I was off track and behind in life.

So many of us right now are feeling off track and behind. I heard someone say the other day, “Can we please just hit the fast-forward on 2020 and bypass all this crazy?”

But consider another perspective on this radical year…what if there are precious moments right now that are happening just for us? Imagine everything we are going through is not happening to us, but for us.

I learned this lesson while writing Joy Seeker.

It wasn’t until the devasting loss of my best friend, my rescue dog Tucker passed away, that I realized I didn’t know who I was without him. When we lose something we love, whether it be a person, pet, routine, job, or way of being and functioning in the world, it can throw us for a loop. Collectively we are all experiencing great loss, as we navigate the uncharted territory ahead of us, we move further away from what we’ve known.

My entire life I was always relying on things outside of myself to bring me joy, until I read a study: the #1 regret of the dying is I wish I would have lived a life true to myself not the one others expected of me, followed by I wish I allowed myself to be happier.

When I first read that, it changed everything for me. How many of us are waiting on happiness, especially right now with the way the world is?

That’s when I set out on a journey to learn the true meaning of life, and seek out true connection and joy not tomorrow when things change but right now in this moment. I learned how to tap into it and allow it to be my constant way of living. As I was writing my book and surrendered to the journey, I learned the tools, the steps, and the methods to release the ego projections and fear that keep us trapped in the illusion that we can’t be happy until, X, Y, Z.

We are living through one of the most emotionally, physically, and spiritually difficult times on the planet, so many of us are holding out on happy. We are waiting to feel joy, but my invitation to you is to dive into your life and really start to live fully today, right now.

This means you align with your true self and be unapologetic about shining your light.

This means you take a stand for what you believe in and step into your truth.

The world needs you and your true self, now more than ever.

Are you waiting for things to change before you can feel joy?

If you feel like you don’t deserve to be happy, or you feel like joy is hard to reach; if you feel that your dreams don’t matter and you are not enough; if you have ever felt like you are off track, behind, or lack clarity on your purpose, mission or real reason for being, my book is a gift to you.

Joy Seeker is designed to compassionately guide and support you to understand, know and be your true self. Authentic living is the highest form of happiness. This is the way of the Joy Seeker.

Today, I picked out some of my favorite lessons from the book to share them with you.

Imagine a world with only one belief system. Imagine every single person on the planet looking and behaving, talking, thinking and acting the exact same way. Would you enjoy that? Or would it be boring, and uneventful or stimulating. We live in a world of contrast and this can be a great thing. Yet so many of us are resorting to anger. It seems everywhere we look, people are being made to be right and wrong, condemned, socially ostracized, canceled and judged for thinking and believing what they feel is best. For so many of us, we’ve allowed contrast to rip us apart. Process any and all anger you have within yourself in healthy ways with exercise, journaling, nature walks, communication with therapists, coaches, friends and family. And as you heal yourself you help to heal the world.

We can have different beliefs and values and still be connected in our humanity and in unison. We are all one race, the human race. WE ALL MATTER and WE NEED EACH OTHER. Note: I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But this does not include denying people basic human rights or harming others or spreading harmful misinformation for manipulation, control, power or greed.

Focus not on what is but what you want. What kind of world do you want to live in? Who do you want to be? Focus on the things that matter most to you and step into your power by following your heart in alignment with each. Do you feel called to become an activist? Or use your social media channels to share your truth? Or maybe you want to write that book, or start that community project. Joy doesn’t have to happen when things get better—focus on your joy now and watch how fast things will improve for you.

We are changing every day. And right now, earth and humanity are also going through a complete renovation as we shift into 5D awareness. 5D is love anything inauthentic will fall away, this includes hate, manipulation, and lies. It’s time we step fully into our true self by letting go of all things that hold us back.  We can move forward by addressing the shadows. By looking at the darkness directly, not running, turning away, or pretending it isn’t there, but by bringing more light to it. To integrate, this is how we heal. This includes beliefs, patterns, habits, perspectives, biases, insecurities, and all shame and blame. Let go freely so you can step forward with more confidence and clarity and become more of who you are meant to be.

Focus fully on what you want, not what is. We have the power to create the world we want to see, but it must start with believing it is possible. Don’t waste time with negative thoughts. Catch yourself when you are thinking about negative things and outcomes. Turn your focus back to the possibilities and align with love.

A lot of changes are happening in the world right now. As long as we look outside of ourselves, we can feel lost, confused, frustrated, and even paralyzed by fear. But we have a choice, instead of trusting the world, so many of us are awakening to our true power within. A massive shift is happening, should we accept the invitation, to turn inward and trust ourselves, for when we do this, we will radically change the entire world. Because when your inner world changes, your outer world must shift too. It is universal law.


More Resources:

If you’re looking for more support, you can check out the FREE 3-day online Joy Seeker Experience here.

Grab a copy of the Joy Seeker Book

2 thoughts on “5 Life-Changing Lessons From Joy Seeker That Can Help Us Through 2020

  1. Ilaam Davids Reply

    Thank you so much Shannon for today’s email. All the beautiful 5 lessons is what resignates with me so much this week.

  2. Judith O’Donnell Reply

    I own this book. Time to re-read! Love you Shannon! Take good care of yourself! 🙂

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