4 Things Extremely Balanced People Do Daily

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When is the last time you took a vacation?

The reason we love getting away on holiday is because it’s a break from reality, a temporary pause from the everyday stresses of life. When I was working in corporate, I use to take vacations and feel so balanced. I’d wonder how I could capture that holiday glow and bring back the peace of mind I managed to embrace on vacation.

Can you relate? Do you crave more balance and peace in your life?

Balanced people seem to effortlessly glide through life. They have a natural glow and seem to take everything in gentle stride. They are the perma vacationers.

No matter how stressed out you are, you can make balance a priority. Seth Godin said, “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”

Finding balance is easier when you are living a life you love, but getting to the life you love is a process. You don’t have to wait until you are in your dream job, perfect relationship, or ideal situation to find balance.

Taking small steps to make balance a priority will help you feel more connected to your purpose and the present moment. Here are four simple things balanced people do daily:

1. Speak Kindly to Themselves

People who are balanced speak kind words to themselves. Instead of criticizing themselves for mistakes gone wrong, they look at all setbacks as growth. They wake up in the morning and say nice things to themselves and celebrate how far they have come. If you feel overworked and stressed out, start to pay attention to the internal dialog and silence the inner critic by replacing it with kind thoughts of love.

2. Listen to Their Instincts

How often have you felt like you ignored your gut feeling only to realize it was right later? When we ignore our internal nudges, we always regret it later. We say things like “I should have listened to my gut.” Listening to your instincts will help you feel more balanced. When you avoid your inner guide and heart’s calling, you will feel more stressed out. To combat this, simply trust yourself more and listen to your instincts.

3. Express Themselves

Many life-coaching clients of mine first come to me expressing their need for more balance. They say they are stressed out and feel stuck in life. I encourage them to express their authentic self more, and as they do this, their stress levels go away. When they say what they want to say and do what they want to do, they feel more empowered.

4. Move Their Body and Exercise Daily

Moving your body will help you de-stress daily. Find an activity you love, because when you add more movement in your life, you create a self-love expression that says “I value myself and I am worth it.” Exercise releases feel-good endorphins, and your body will feel more balanced.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments. What is your favorite way to stay balanced?



3 thoughts on “4 Things Extremely Balanced People Do Daily

  1. linda Reply

    Hi Shannon !!! 🙂 This was FANTASTIC !!! Every single tip is on point. True story !!!! I can’t wait to be more mindful of each one and to practice your suggestions. I have done each and everyone on my own but was not aware till now of how actually beneficial they truly are to mental and physical health. Thank you for giving me the awareness and knowledge today.
    Enjoy those awesome beaches!!! Thank you !!! Continue to be you !!! A great you !!! 🙂

  2. Diane Reply

    I stay balanced by riding my bike. I’ll be 60 this year and still feel the thrill of going down a big hill with my pig tails flying in the breeze! No more pig tails now, but the thrill remains!

  3. LeahFrye Reply

    I stay balanced by riding my bike. I’ll be 60 this year and still feel the thrill of going down a big hill with my pigtails flying in the breeze! No more pigtails now, but the thrill remains!

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