Success can also look like this…
Letting go. Realizing that some people will never change, nor do they want to.
Walking away.
Knowing that your energy is valuable and not everyone needs nor deserves access to it.
Realizing that some emotional baggage that you’ve been carrying was never yours to hold on to.
Observing your own behaviors in every situation and taking accountability for your patterns and unhealed wounds.
Being there for others without needing to fix or change them. Listening with love, compassion, and care.
Forgiving. Forgive those who couldn’t love you in the way that you needed. Success is seeing that others couldn’t give you what you needed because you were to learn how to give and be there for yourself.
Expressing yourself, your feelings, and emotions, and instead of needing others to see, hear, validate, or acknowledge you, you do it for yourself.
Boundaries. You can still love people and keep them at a distance. Success is walking away from people and things that no longer resonate.
For more self-empowerment check out my book Return To You: 11 Spiritual Lessons for Unshakable Inner Peace
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What is success to you? Leave a comment and share your experience.