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Are you going though a major loss? Death, divorce, a break up, losing a loved one is a natural part of life but that doesn’t make it easier.
The toughest part about losing someone or something you love isn’t saying goodbye. It is trying to find the courage to go on and learn how to live without them.
It happened fast, without notice. This week, my family lost one of our beloved members, my Mom and Dad’s chocolate Labrador retriever died suddenly.
It seems the more you loved, the more painful the passing. Death, divorce, break ups, all loss can produce an empty hallowing of the heart. Losing a loved one can allow us to go deeper into our souls and see what we value most. It’s not always a bad thing.
Are you going though a major loss? Death, divorce, a break up, losing a love one is a natural part of life but that doesn’t make it easier.
We don’t have to wait for tragedy to start living on purpose.
In this weeks powerful Find Your Happy TV Episode I share the essential questions to ask yourself in order to live a meaningful life.
Losing our family dog forced me to reflect on my own life and check in to see if I am living fully. The situation causes an awareness shift from the inside, as we reflect on how we live our lives and what is most important.
You don’t have to wait until you lose someone you love to make the most out of your life. Start living a fulfilling life now by asking these key questions.
- What am I taking for granted?
- How can I show my appreciation for others?
- What can I do to take care of those I love?
- How can I be more present?
- Who am I blaming or mad at?
- Who do I need to forgive?
- Where can I be more accountable
and what am I responsible for?
- What am I thankful for?
- How can I take better care of myself?
- What action do I need to take to make sure I have no regrets?