The Secret to Living a Rich Life and How to Stop Worrying About Money

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Imagine a life without debt, loans or paybacks. What if your world was debt free? What if you knew you had plenty of money in the bank and all your needs were taken care of? What would you be able to do with your time, money and energy if you weren’t focused on paying back debt or trying to figure out how you will pay your bills?

In my workshops and coaching sessions, I ask people if they knew they only had a few months to live what would they do? Most people say travel or spend time with family, but no one has ever said pay off my debt. But when I ask people if they won the lottery what is the first thing they would do, many enthusiastically say: “I would pay off my debt.” We think we need more money to pay off debt and to live a rich life, but this thinking could be preventing us from reaching more abundance.

I also ask people what they want more than anything else in the world. After they answer, I ask, “Why don’t you have it?” Most of the time the answer I hear is, “I don’t have enough money,” or “It costs too much money.” Time and money are similar because they both put limitations on our dreams if we let them. It takes an ability to release our attachment to what money can and can’t do for us in order to break through to live our ultimate life. Let’s look at money and how it relates to our dreams.

When we are in a state of lack or fearful thought patterns money cannot come to us because we are in a needy state, and when we need something the experience is strained. If you are in a desperate state of needing money because you feel the lack, money cannot come to you nearly as fast.

It is a matter of perception and shifting your mind to focus on what you want.
These tips from my book, Find Your Happy, can help you feel more abundant now.

Get Happy, Then Spend Money

One way to know what your energy is towards money is to ask yourself if you are comfortable spending money? Esther Hicks and Abraham, the authors of Money and the Law of Attraction, describe the focus on lack creates more lack.

When you believe that money is coming to you because of your action that you are offering and you also believe that you will not always be able to offer that action, you would want to hold on to your money and spend it sparingly to make it last. However the feeling of shortage slows down the process of money flowing to you.

If you are feeling uncomfortable while spending money, do not spend money. Always find a way to ease your discomfort and transform each transaction into a peaceful experience. Understanding that money flows and goes is one thing that can help.

Mantra: Be happy, then spend money. Don’t spend money to be happy.

Money Flows Where Intention Goes

By releasing our energetic hold on money it loosens its superficial power. Just like breathing in and out easily, money can flow in and out of our experience with the same gentle ease as life itself. Allow money to enter in and exit with ease and no expectations.

The little voices in our heads make money the hero in our lives, but money is not a superhero. It will not solve all of the world’s problems or fix what is broken inside of us.

Focus on what you think having more money will do for you. Will it give you more peace, security, freedom? Tap into the essence you are searching for and bring that into focus now. By adding more peace in your life, or more security now you will attract more money.

Mantra: Money flows where intention goes. I focus on my abundance.

Give Without Expecting

Being more generous echoes the golden rule: Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you. Giving without expecting anything in return will open you up to new opportunities. There is a balance of energy that exists when you freely give yourself, your time, your energy, or your money to someone or something you believe in. Ask yourself how you can serve someone else?

I invite you to go deeper into this topic with my upcoming workshop.

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Benefits of course include:

You will suddenly find yourself less impulsive and fearful around money
– Transform all worry and stress tied to money
-You will have a healthy relationship to spending and saving
-You’ll release your need for things to make you happy
-You’ll feel peace in financial situations that used to cause enormous stress
– Increase your money confidence and watch your bank account grow

Plus every participant will receive complimentary bonus gifts:

– Audio meditation to help release fear around money
– Full color, gorgeous designed wallet mantra cards to aid in transformation
– Question & answer time with coach Shannon

Yes I am ready to remove my financial fears: Click Here.

4 thoughts on “The Secret to Living a Rich Life and How to Stop Worrying About Money

  1. Eva Andrew Reply

    Thanks Sharon for this message today…enjoyed it tremendously and was what I needed this morning…will be doing the three steps and watching what happens. I have noticed that there hasen’t been much “fun” in my life for quite some time due to money woes and that is about to change!

  2. Kathy Reply

    This came just at the right time. I will focus more on abundance rather than lack. Thanks Shannon!

  3. Supaviter Reply

    Thanks Shannon. I like your spirit and way to live life. You are an inspiration for me. Thanks again. 🙂

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