10 Things to Release Before the New Year

As we fall into the final stretch of 2017, you may be sensing an energetic shift. December is an important month because it sets the stage for the next year. Use this time to reflect on your goals and focus forward with clarity.

Do you feel weighed down by specific people or situations? Use this time to consciously create a stronger foundation for your life, which means walking away from things that drag you down.

This is an ideal time to release old thought patterns, fears, relationships, situations and things that no longer serve you. This time is pivotal because it shifts us into the closing down of our previous year and prepares us for the New Year.

Rather than spending time focusing on what didn’t work, instead pull all of your energy into what is going well and focus on what you want. Use deliberate action toward those goals and you will see changes happen quickly.

In the spirit of preparing for the New Year and releasing what no longer serves you, here are 10 things to let go of before 2018.

Let go of thinking you are not where you are supposed to be.

Everything you have done has helped you become who you are meant to be.

Release all thought patterns holding you back.

It’s time to start telling yourself a more positive story.

Release the idea that your challenges are long-term.

All setbacks are only temporary, but the lessons learned are forever.

Let go of the need to have it all figured out.

What doesn’t make sense yet will someday.

Let go of the idea that things are not working out for you.

Everything is really much better than you can imagine.

Stop asking “WHY” this is happening to you.

Instead ask what you can learn from the situation.

Release the need to control the outcome.

You may not get what you want when you want, but trust you will always get what you need when you need it.

Stop believing you are your mistakes.

There are no mistakes, only growth.

Release the need to be right.

Proving others wrong does not make you right. Instead, focus inward and align with love. When you are confident in your own choices, you don’t have to prove anything.

Let go of thinking it’s too late for you.

Your dreams matter and they come to you for a reason. Follow your heart and you will be free.

What are you most excited to release in the new year. Leave your declaration in the comments.

6 thoughts on “10 Things to Release Before the New Year

  1. Susan Reply

    “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” You keep coming into my digital life in some way, shape, or form, and I’ve decided it’s no longer coincidence! Thanks for this article, which is serving the basis of my “things I’m letting go of” list that I’m cultivating and reflecting on these last days of 2017.

  2. Anona Noble Reply

    Good bye debt
    Good bye self doubt
    Good bye impatience
    Good bye negativity
    Good bye frustration
    Good bye complaining
    Good bye physical disability


    Good by fear and hello to following my path that has repeatedly been shown to me!
    My angels and guides will be so relieved! LOL

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